The Community Centre, Fleming Avenue, North Baddesley. SO52 9AQ
Telephone: 02380 741410 Mobile: 07594 591935 Email: info@hollytreepreschool.org.uk
Registered Charity Number: 1002072

Monday - Friday during Term time
9.00am - 3.00pm
We offer the following session times each day:
- 9.00am - 12.00pm
- 9.00am - 3.00pm
- 12.00pm - 3.00pm
Typical Session
Our routine is very flexible to meet the children's needs but the following information provides a rough guide for the session:
- 9.00 - 10.15 - Free Play
- 10.15 - Snack time
- 10.30 - Free play with some group time - we may take our older children for a slightly more structured activity for example Phonics or maths.
- 12.00 - End of the morning session. Some of our children may go home while others may arrive for the afternoon session. Free play continues while this happens
- 12.20 - Whole group time - we may have a story, rhymes or music time while we prepare the room for lunch.
- 12.30 - Lunchtime. This is a lovely social occasion for the children to sit and have lunch together. On sunny days we may sit outside or picnic on the field.
- 1.00 - Free Play
- 2.20 - Tidy up time!
-2.30 - Whole group time. This will be a different activity to the morning whole group time and could be a trip to the park, PE, dance or singing.
- 3.00 - End of session
Healthy Lunches
We try to encourage our children to eat a healthy range of foods and work to develop their understanding of a healthy lifestyle
What is Free Play?
Children choose their activities from the many available each day. We provide a carefully planned curriculum and the children are constantly learning as they play, either independently, with their friends or through more adult led activities.
All of our activities are planned to cover the Three Prime Areas of Learning and Development in the Early Years Foundation Stage:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
and the Four Specific Areas:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design